En Latin Opinion nos sentimos orgullosos y honrados por haber merecido el Pink Ribbon que otorga la Fundación Susan G. Komen a quienes participan activamente en su fantástica campaña por la lucha contra el cáncer de seno.
Komen Maryland’s CEO, Robin Prothro, entregó el reconocimiento, al tiempo que resaltó la labor de Latin Opinion en esta importante cruzada.
“During the last ten years the Latin Opinion Baltimore News has been a valuable and informative resource for the Hispanic community in the Baltimore area. In 2013 they were named the Maryland Hispanic Business of the Year and their success has continued to grow. Since 2014, the Latin Opinion has reserved a section within their biweekly newspaper to support the RACE FOR THE CURE and to bring breast cancer awareness to the Hispanic community in Baltimore; one of Komen Maryland’s top priority areas. We would like to present our Pink Ribbon Media Partner Award to the Latin Opinion Baltimore News, for their commitment and support in the fight against breast cancer”, expresó.
«Nos llena de ganas de seguir aportando nuestro granito de arena para ayudar a combatir, de alguna forma, este mal que amenaza a tantas vidas valiosas», expresó por su parte Erick Oribio, presidente de Latin Opinion.